Knife Care
With the right care, timely sharpening and careful storage, Kamikoto knives can be used over many generations. Follow these care instructions to ensure knives remain sharp and ready-to-use over the years.
- Avoid cutting extremely hard and/or frozen items (i.e. bones, seeds, metal, etc.) with your knife. This may damage the edge.
- When cutting, use a clean, smooth cutting motion.
- The best cutting boards for use with Kamikoto knives are usually made of wood.
- Always clean and dry Kamikoto knives thoroughly before storage.
- Putting knives in the dishwasher can cause damage to the edge or the handle due to vibrations, contact with other objects in the dishwasher, heat, water, and chemicals.
- Do not leave Kamikoto knives in the sink or pile heavy utensils on top.
- Kamikoto knives should only be sharpened using a Japanese whetstone as instructed.
- Please refrain from using honing rods/steels or any other kind of sharpening device (hand held devices, electric sharpeners, grinders, oil stones, etc.).

- Kamikoto recommends that knives be cleaned immediately after use. Wash the knives carefully in warm water with a damp sponge and dishwashing soap. Use moderate amounts of mild dishwashing liquid.
- Do not use abrasive cleaning solutions or scrubbers. Dry the knives carefully with a soft, clean towel. Ensure the knives are completely dry before storage. Use Kamikoto’s natural ash wood storage boxes to ensure careful preservation of the Kamikoto blade.
- Avoid placing high-quality knives in the dishwasher. This is because knives and cutlery rub against each other or against other objects during the wash cycle – this can leave scratches, damage the blade or damage the plastic finish on the cutlery basket.